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The self-propelled multi-crop reaper is an innovative machine suitable for smallholder farmers growing small- and medium-grain crops like rice, wheat and barley. It can facilitate rapid and low-cost harvesting, and is of particular interest in areas where farmers lack sufficient labor or need to clear fields rapidly so they can replant the next crop. Its small size and ease of operation and movement makes it ideal for many farmers in South Asia, Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The self-propelled multi-crop reaper increases reaping efficiency, from 225 or more hours per hectare when manual labor is used, to about five hours per hectare. In South Asia in particular, where rice-wheat cropping systems are dominant, late rice harvesting also sets back dry season planting, and can cause large yield losses for the subsequent crop – for example, up to 57 kg per hectare lost per day when wheat is late planted. Use of the multi-crop reaper can thus save farmers time and money, and accelerate the turnaround time between crops. This set of training modules focuses on ensuring that mechanics are able to make repairs efficiently and correctly to self-propelled multi-crop reapers. It builds on other books in this series, and is designed so that anybody who uses these materials can easily conduct training – even those with limited background and understanding of agricultural engineering or machinery. By the conclusion of the training module (which can be completed in a single day of intensive training, or in a multi-day, multi-session format), participant mechanics will be well-equipped to repair self-propelled multi-crop reapers as part of their ongoing agricultural machinery servicing business. However, users of this book should carefully read all instructions on how to implement the training effectively in order to ensure the best learning experience possible for participants. A key aspect of this is ensuring that the training is experiential and interactive, as discussed in the next section.

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Dhaka (Bangladesh)
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