Person: Pingali, P.L.
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Pingali, P.L.
0000-0002-7208-158911 results
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- Transitions to crop residue burning have multiple antecedents in Eastern India(Springer Science + Business Media, 2024) Urban Cordeiro, E.; Samaddar, A.; Munshi, S.; Anurag Ajay; Rossiter, D.G.; Sohane, R.K.; Malik, R.; Craufurd, P.; Pingali, P.; McDonald, A.J.
Publication - Estimating the economic impact of breeding nonspecific resistance to leaf rust in modern bread wheat(American Phytopathological Society (APS), 1998) Smale, M.; Singh, R.P.; Sayre, K.D.; Pingali, P.L.; Rajaram, S.; Dubin, H.J.Breeding for resistance to rust diseases in wheat is an example of productivity maintenance research. Productivity maintenance research is necessary to avoid contractions in the wheat supply curve that result from changes in the biological or physical environment. In this study, the benefits of incorporating nonspecific resistance to leaf rust caused by Puccinia recondita into modern bread wheats (Triticum aestivum) have been estimated using data on resistance genes identified in cultivars, trial data, and area sown to cltivar in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora State, Mexico. In the most pessimistic scenario, the gross benefits generated in the Yaqui Valley from 1970 to 1990 were 17 million U.S. dollars (in 1994 real terms). Even when costs were overstated and benefits were understated, the internal rate of return on capital invested was 13%, well within the range recommended for use in project evaluation by the World Bank. Substantial economic benefits likely are associated with development of nonspecific resistance in many wheat-producing areas of developing countries where farmers change cultivars slowly because of delays in cultivar release, incomplete seed markets, and economic factors related to adoption or where disease pressure is heavy and the costs of treating disease outbreaks is high.
Publication - CIMMYT 1998-99 World wheat facts and trends: global wheat research in a changing World: challenges and achievements(CIMMYT, 1999) Pingali, P.L.This report has four parts. The first part focuses on the changing environment in which the international wheat research system functions in developing countries. The authors describe recent trends in developing country wheat production against projected demand for wheat. Next, they present strategies for increasing productivity in favored and less favored wheat production environments. Part 1 concludes with a discussion of how emerging trends and policies, such as intellectual property protection and market liberalization, are likely to affect the global wheat research system and exchange of germplasm. Part 2 of the report presents new information on the historical impact of the international wheat improvement system, including information on the role of CIMMYT germplasm. Part 3 discusses wheat supply and demand projections, with a special focus on Asia (including Central Asia). Part 4 presents statistics on world wheat production and consumption in a newly revised format.
Publication - International collaboration in crop improvement research: current status and future prospects(CIMMYT, 1999) Traxler, G.; Pingali, P.L.Investments over the past 35 years have created s system of national and international research centers that has revolutionized the supply of improved cereal varieties to developing country farmers. The newly created scientific ability to exploit genetic resources has been the engine of productivity growth in much of world agriculture. But the success that has been attained in building research institutions has not touched all countries or farmers, nor can it be considered permanent. The financial and political environment of the past decade has halted the expansion of agricultural research capacity and the scarcity of research resources and evolving world intellectual property rights (IPR) regimes complicates the search for stable arrangements for cooperation. This paper examines the current structure and institutional capacity of the international crop breeding systems for rice and wheat. Discussions are presented within the context of a system composed of research functions spanning the basic to applied research spectrum. The model emphasizes that an efficient and stable international system may be comprised of many partner institutions, each with a limited breadth of research activities, particularly when research budgets are fixed or declining. The paper concludes with a review of some of the trends that will influence the future direction of research cooperation.
Publication - Cereal crop productivity in developing countries: past trends and future prospects(CIMMYT, 1999) Pingali, P.L.; Heisey, P.W.This paper synthesizes the evidence on cereal crop poductivity in developing countries over the past 30 years and looks at future prospects for productivity in growth. For more than three decades we have witnessed the phenomenal growth of cereal crop productivity in the developing world. Termed the Green Revolution, the initial phase of this growth resulted from an increase in land productivity and ocurred in areas of growing land scarcity and/or areas with high land values. Significant investments in research and infrastructure development, especially irrigation, were the strategic components of this increased productivity. In the post-Green Revolution period, particularly in Asia, productivity growth has been sustained through increased input and, more recently, through more efficient use of inputs. Lately, however, indicators show a decrease in the growth rate of productivity of two of the three primary cereals, rice and wheat. The first two sections of this paper present trends on cereal crop productivity in developing countries over the last three decades. Supporting evidence includes yield and other partial factor productivity trends and a summary of studies on total factor productivity. The third section speculates on the prospects for the future growth.
Publication - Towards reduced pesticide use for cereal crops in Asia(CIMMYT, 1997) Pingali, P.L.; Gerpacio, R.V.Several opportunities are available for dramatically reducing the use of agrochemicals in Asia cereal crop production. The first selection of this paper summarizes past trends and future prospects for pesticide use in Asia for three major cereal crops: rice, wheat, and maize. The second section identifies factors that have contributed to rising farm-level demand for pesticides and factors that could lead to a reduction in their demand. The third section highlights the advances that have been made in generating and disseminating cereal crops with resistance to insects and diseases. It focuses on conventional breeding strategies for host-plant resistance as well as the current and potential contributions of biotechnology. Pesticide productivity, yield variabiliy, and their relation to host-plant resistance are reviewed, along with evidence from trials and farmers' fields. The paper concludes with a discussion of the integrated management approaches that will be necesary for maximizing and sustaining the productivity gainsoffered by resistant varieties.
Publication - Maize in Nepal: production systems, constraints and priorities for research(CIMMYT, 2001) Paudyal, K.R.; Ransom, J.K.; Rajbhandari, N.P.; Gerpacio, R.V.; Pingali, P.L.Maize cultivation is a way of life for most farmers in the hills of Nepal. It is a traditional crop cultivated as food, feed and fodder on slopping Bari land (rainfed upland) in the hills. It is grown under rainfed conditions during the summer (April-August) as a single crop or relayed with millet later in the season. In the terai, inner-terai, valleys, and low-lying river basin areas, maize is also grown in the winter and spring with irrigation. In 1997/1998, maize was grown on about 800,000 ha which represent 25% of the total area planted to cereals in Nepal. In the same period, 1,367,000 tons of maize were produced, representing about 21% of Nepal’s total cereal production. The proportion of maize area to total cereals was 30% in the highhills, 40% in the midhills and about 11% in the terai. Maize production as a proportion of total cereal production was 33% for the highhills, 39% for the midhills and 9% for the terai. More than two thirds of the maize produced in the midhills and highhills is used for direct human consumption at the farm level and the ratio of human consumption to total production is higher in less accessible areas. In the terai, less than 50% of the maize is used for human consumption and a significant part of the production goes to the market. Maize yields fluctuate seasonally and annually especially in the hills. Although maize yields increased slightly over the past five years, there has been very little yield improvement when compared to nationwide yields 30 years ago. This is probably due to the expansion of maize cultivation into less suitable terrain, declining soil fertility, and the sluggish adoption of improved management practices. While productivity in the country is almost stagnant, the overall demand for maize—driven by increased demand for human consumption and livestock feed— is expected to grow by 4% to 6 % per year over the next 20 years. Thus, Nepal will have to resort to maize imports in the future if productivity is not increased substantially. In 1999, the Hill Maize Research Project (HMRP) was initiated to provide new technologies to farmers to enable increased and sustainable maize production. The HMRP is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the National Maize Research Program (NMRP) of the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), with technical assistance from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). The HMRP addresses a wide range of technology and technology dissemination needs from germplasm development and crop management to post harvest. It focuses on regions of Nepal where maize is important in terms of area and diet. The HMRP also supported the Rapid Rural Appraisals that were carried out for this study. This study is part of a project3 that promotes sustainable intensification of maize production systems while ensuring equitable income growth and improved food security for poor households that depend on maize. The project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented under the direct supervision of the CIMMYT Economics Program. Nepal is one of seven countries - China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam - where the study is being carried out. As most of the increased demand for maize in Nepal is expected to come from resource poor farmers in slopping uplands in the midhills, the project focuses specifically on upland maize in the midhills.
Publication - Tropical and subtropical maize in Asia: production systems, constraints, and research priorities(CIMMYT, 2007) Gerpacio, R.V.; Pingali, P.L.This book examines future technological and policy prospects for the sustainable intensification of rainfed upland maize production in Asia, and derives R&D priorities for specific maize production environments and markets. Village-level and farmer-group surveys were conducted to characterize upland maize production environments and systems in China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Survey findings, particularly farmer-identified constraints to maize production, complemented with other relevant data, were used in country-level, R&D priority-setting workshops. High on the list of farmer constraints was drought, estimated to affect three production environments that are home to about 48 million rural poor and produce an estimated 16 million tons of maize, and others such as downy mildew, stem borers, soil erosion/landslides, waterlogging, poor agricultural extension/ technology transfer services, and poor access to low-interest credit and markets. Farmers felt that socioeconomic and policy-related constraints impact maize productivity more than technical constraints do. It is important to recognize that technology is not the only key to increasing productivity and bettering the conditions of marginal maize farmers in Asia. There is a growing trend towards commercializing and intensifying maize production that is different from the staple food self-sufficiency paradigm that has been the cornerstone of agricultural policy in most developing countries. Appropriate government policies could help alleviate the adverse consequences of commercialization and promote sustainable intensification of maize production, especially in marginal environments inhabited by resource-poor subsistence farmers.
Publication - Maize in Vietnam: production systems, constraints, and research priorities(CIMMYT, 2004) Tran Dinh, Thao; Tri Khiem, N.; Xuan Trieu, M.; Gerpacio, R.V.; Pingali, P.L.This is one of a series of seven in-depth country studies on maize production systems in Asia, funded by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It is part of a project designed to promote sustainable intensification of maize production systems while ensuring equitable income growth and improved food security, especially for poor households that depend on maize. This study characterized the social and biophysical maize production environment of Thailand; examined its response to increasing maize demand; determined constraints to future productivity growth; investigated the potential environmental consequences, and examined the options available for promoting sustainable growth in maize production. Maize is the second most important food crop in Vietnam after rice. It is the substitute staple in periods of rice shortage, especially for people in rural areas and mountainous regions. Maize is also the primary source of feed for Vietnam’s poultry and livestock industry, and is therefore an important source of income for many farmers. Maize production has risen sharply since 1990, when the Vietnamese government began to strongly support and promote maize hybrid technology. Vietnamese farmers have widely adopted higher-yielding hybrid maize varieties. This was a timely response to Vietnam’s growing livestock and poultry industry, which in turn generates an increasing demand for more maize to use as feed. Rapid economic growth and accelerated urbanization are expected to create an even higher demand for maize in Vietnam. This trend will lead to the intensification of current maize production systems, with more land being shifted to maize production, particularly in marginal areas. Vietnam’s challenge is to provide more maize for an expanding market, while preserving the natural resource base and the environment through careful agricultural planning. Ef fective policy design and implementation must be based on comprehensive, accurate data on the current state of maize-based farming systems.
Publication - Maize in India: production systems, constraints, and research priorities(CIMMYT, 2005) Joshi, P.K.; Singh, N.P.; Singh, N.N.; Gerpacio, R.V.; Pingali, P.L.Maize is a promising substitute crop allowing diversification from the rice-wheat system in the upland areas of India. The crop has high production potential, provided the available improved hybrids and composites reach the farming community. This study found that major biotic production constraints were Echinocloa, Cynodon dactylon, rats, and termites, which reduced maize production levels by more than 50%. Other important abiotic and biotic stresses listed in descending order of importance were: caterpillars, water stress, stem borers, weevils, zinc deficiency, rust, seed/seedling blight, cutworm, and leaf blight. Non-availability of improved seeds, inadequate input markets, ineffective technology dissemination, and lack of collective action were the principal socio-economic constraints.