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This set of training modules focuses on ensuring that mechanics are able to make repairs to axial flow pumps and mixed flow pumps efficiently and correctly. It builds on other books in this series, and is designed so that anybody who uses these materials can easily conduct training – even those with a limited background in and understanding of agricultural engineering or machinery. By the conclusion of the training module (which can be completed in a single day of intensive training or in a multi-day, multisession format), participant mechanics will be well equipped to repair axial and mixed flow pumps as part of their ongoing agricultural machinery servicing business. However, users of this book should carefully read all the instructions on how to implement the training effectively in order to ensure the best learning experience possible for the participants. A key aspect of this is ensuring that the training is experiential and interactive, as discussed in the next section. This training uses an experiential and hands-on modular format. It is based on a foundation of experiential and hands-on work, combined with discussion and reflection among participants. This means that although the facilitator is instructed on how to carry out the training and how to present materials, the format in which this is done should be horizontal and participatory, with room for adaptation and modification. We also underscore that farmers and agricultural machinery service providers – who are the target of this training – are experts in their own fields. They work daily on farms and have considerably more experience than most university educated technicians, researchers or extension agents. Attentively listening to their opinions and working with them to respond to their needs and experiences will facilitate improved learning and enhance the quality of any given training session. In this sense, it is the responsibility of the training facilitator to elicit the participants’ input, opinions and ideas, and to use these interactively to shape discussion and learning. Each facilitator therefore should think of him or herself as a guide whose goal is to elicit insight and ideas from the trainees, in order to enhance their learning process. The technical materials included in this document should therefore be seen as a guide to supplement the in-depth knowledge that the trainee farmers and agricultural machinery service providers already have.

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Dhaka (Bangladesh)
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