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Comparative economics of maize production in risky environments in Zimbabwe

Autor: Mudhara, M.
Autor: Low, A.
Año: 1990
ISSN: 0187-828X
ISSN: ISSN: 0187-828X
Resumen: Planting strategies of smallholder farmers are examined in two contrasting study areas in Zimbabwe, Mangwende (sub-humid, natural region II) and Mudzi (semi-arid, natural region IV). to show that farmers regard maize as a viable alternative to other crops for late planting in Mangwende and early planting in Mudzi. Comparative economic analysis shows farmers? assessment to be justified economically on the criterion of average returns to key labour, working capital, and land resources. However evidence suggests that farmers adjust their economic decisions according to their assessments of relative risk. The analysis was therefore extended to evaluate relative returns assuming farmers were averse to risk. The results remained unchanged and suggest that in Zimbabwe maize competes well with current alternative crops for late planting in natural region II and early planting in natural region IV. The implications of these findings for maize research and extension are discussed briefly.
Formato: PDF
Lenguaje: English
Editor: CIMMYT
Copyright: CIMMYT manages Intellectual Assets as International Public Goods. The user is free to download, print, store and share this work. In case you want to translate or create any other derivative work and share or distribute such translation/derivative work, please contact indicating the work you want to use and the kind of use you intend; CIMMYT will contact you with the suitable license for that purpose.
Tipo: Article
País de enfoque: Zimbabwe
Región: Southern Africa
Páginas: 14-28
Número: 6
Palabras Claves: Planting Strategies
Palabras Claves: Smallholder Farmers
Agrovoc: FARMERS
Revista: Farming Systems Bulletin Eastern and Southern Africa

Ficheros en el ítem


Este ítem aparece en la(s) siguiente(s) colección(ones)

  • Maize
    Maize breeding, phytopathology, entomology, physiology, quality, and biotech
  • Socioeconomics
    Including topics such as farming systems, markets, impact & targeting, innovations, and GIS

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