2023-12-182023-12-182023https://hdl.handle.net/10883/22814CIMMYT manages Intellectual Assets as International Public Goods. The user is free to download, print, store and share this work. In case you want to translate or create any other derivative work and share or distribute such translation/derivative work, please contact CIMMYT-Knowledge-Center@cgiar.org indicating the work you want to use and the kind of use you intend; CIMMYT will contact you with the suitable license for that purposeAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGYIntroducing the non-rancidity trait into pearl millet seed: scenarios for achieving future impact in KenyaBrochureThe International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and partners are working to apply CRISPR technology to achieve a step-change in pearl millet seed product design: altering fatty acid metabolism to achieve the non-rancidity trait to create grain that when milled into flour has extended shelf life. Kenya is a country where the regulatory environment permits the introduction of gene-edited seed products when derived from site directed nuclease 1 and 2 derived technologies. Market intelligence looked to shed light on the question, If such a seed product were available in Kenya, what would be the potential relevance for millet farming and value chains? This brief explores that question by examining the context in which millet is produced, processed, and sold and the associated expectations and requirements of farmers, consumers, and processors. Data were collected through interviews with millet farmers (n=35) and rural consumers (n=35), local processors (n=14), traders (n=3), and flour producers (n=6). Value chain actors reported rancidity as a problem, but it was not perceived to be a primary challenge. Rancidity was overshadowed by larger challenges related to lack of improved seeds of any type, low production volumes, and postharvest challenges. Achieving impact from millet seed products with extended shelf life rests on changing expectations about the commercial opportunities for millet flour (such as flour-blending policies) and building viable, high performing seed systems with new varieties that address farmers’ needs, such as high yield, drought tolerance, and bird resistance. This brief concludes with future scenarios on how non-rancidity millet could deliver impact at scale.PEARL MILLETRANCIDITYSEEDVALUE CHAINSMARKET INTELLIGENCEOpen AccessSustainable Agrifood Systems