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In order to identify the high molecular weight glutenins subunits and its relationship with the bread-making quality, as well as to characterize the bread quality of the group of genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 130 genotypes were seeded under rainfed conditions at Santa Lucia de Prias, Estado de Mexico in 2001. In the analysis of physical and chemical quality the traits considered were test weight (kg hL-1), grain hardness (%), grain and fl our protein (%) and sedimentation volume (mL). The rheological analysis was based on the basis of mixed time (min), mixogram-height (cm), Overmixing tolerance (mm), mixogram-stability (min), alveogram-W (10 -4 J), alveogram- P/L with scale from 0.1 to 6 and alveogram-P/G (scale from 1.5 to 14). In the bread-making analysis bread loaf volume (mL) and bread crumb texture (1-6 scale) were considered. The identification of high molecular weight glutenins was made by electrophoresis in SDS-Polyacrylamida (SDS-PAGE) gel. The alleles 2* and 1 of the genome A, 17+18 and 7+8 of genome B and 5+10 of genome D, showed a positive effect on the bread-making quality, allele 7+9 of genome B showed an intermediate effect and the alleles, null (0) of the genome A and 2+12 of genome D showed a negative effect, all these alleles showed the highest frequency in genotypes. The combinations most frequently found were 2*-7+9-5+10, 2*-17+18-5+10 and 1-17+18-5+10, with 28.6%, 22.7% and 12.6% respectively; the last two combinations presented the best bread volume with 867 and 883 mL, respectively.