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Bárcenas-Santana, D., Huerta‐Espino, J., Villaseñor-Mir, H. E., Sandoval-Islas, J. S., Leyva-Mir, S. G., Mariscal-Amaro, L. A., Michel-Aceves, A. C., & Dreisigacker, S. (2023). Introgresión del gen de resistencia a la roya del tallo Sr 47 en la variedad de trigo cirno C2008. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, 46(4), 375-382. https://doi.org/10.35196/rfm.2023.4.375
ISO citation
La roya del tallo, causada por Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici E. & H., es una amenaza para la producción de trigo en la mayoría de las áreas de cultivo de este cereal en el mundo. El gen de resistencia Sr47, identificado en Aegilops speltoides y transferido al trigo cristalino, confiere resistencia no sólo a Ug99 y razas derivadas, sino también a otras razas de roya del tallo presentes en México y otras partes del mundo, incluida la raza Siciliana, identificada recientemente como TTTTF. En un cultivar resistente, la introgresión del gen Sr47 se puede rastrear mediante selección asistida por marcadores moleculares como Xwms501 (monogénico dominante), Xgwm47 (dominante en repulsión), Xrwgs38 y Xgpw4165 (codominantes). Convencionalmente, cuando se utiliza un cultivar susceptible, la presencia del gen de resistencia podría diagnosticarse por la respuesta a la raza RTR de la roya del tallo en el caso de México; sin embargo, Cirno C2008 es resistente a Ug99 (TTKSK), RTR y a otras razas de roya del tallo presentes en México. El análisis molecular de 141 familias derivadas de BC1F3 de la cruza DAS15 × Cirno C2008 utilizando los marcadores moleculares Xwms501, Xgwm47, Xrwgs38 y Xgpw4165 permitió identificar familias con la inserción del gen Sr47.
Stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici E. & H., is a threat to wheat production in most wheat growing areas in the world. The Sr47 resistance gene, identified in Aegilops speltoides and transferred to crystalline wheat, confers resistance not only to Ug99 and derived races, but also to other stem rust races present in Mexico and other parts of the world, including the Sicilian race, recently identified as TTTTF. In a resistant cultivar, introgression of the Sr47 gene can be tracked by selection assisted by molecular markers such as Xwms501 (monogenic dominant), Xgwm47 (dominant in repulsion), Xrwgs38 and Xgpw4165 (codominant). Conventionally, when a susceptible cultivar is used, the presence of the resistance gene could be diagnosed by the response to the RTR race of stem rust in the case of Mexico; however, Cirno C2008 is resistant to Ug99 (TTKSK), RTR and other stem rust races present in Mexico. Molecular analysis of 141 BC1 F3 -derived families from the DAS15 × Cirno C2008 cross using the molecular markers Xwms501, Xgwm47, Xrwgs38 and Xgpw4165 allowed the identification of families with the insertion of the Sr47 gene.
Stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici E. & H., is a threat to wheat production in most wheat growing areas in the world. The Sr47 resistance gene, identified in Aegilops speltoides and transferred to crystalline wheat, confers resistance not only to Ug99 and derived races, but also to other stem rust races present in Mexico and other parts of the world, including the Sicilian race, recently identified as TTTTF. In a resistant cultivar, introgression of the Sr47 gene can be tracked by selection assisted by molecular markers such as Xwms501 (monogenic dominant), Xgwm47 (dominant in repulsion), Xrwgs38 and Xgpw4165 (codominant). Conventionally, when a susceptible cultivar is used, the presence of the resistance gene could be diagnosed by the response to the RTR race of stem rust in the case of Mexico; however, Cirno C2008 is resistant to Ug99 (TTKSK), RTR and other stem rust races present in Mexico. Molecular analysis of 141 BC1 F3 -derived families from the DAS15 × Cirno C2008 cross using the molecular markers Xwms501, Xgwm47, Xrwgs38 and Xgpw4165 allowed the identification of families with the insertion of the Sr47 gene.
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Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana
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Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenetica
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CGIAR Initiatives
Accelerated Breeding
Impact Area
Nutrition, health & food security
Action Area
Genetic Innovation
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CGIAR Research Program on Wheat