De Leon, C.

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De Leon
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De Leon, C.

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
  • Herencia genética y citoplasmica de la resistencia a la pudrición de la mazorca del maíz (Zea mays L.) causada por Fusarium moniliforme sheld
    (Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología, 2003) Mendoza Elos, M.; López Benítez, A.; Oyervides Garcia, A.; Martinez Zambrano, G.; De Leon, C.; Moreno-Martinez, E.
  • Acción genética de la resistencia al achaparramiento de maíz causado por espiroplasma, fitoplasmas y virus
    (Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología, 2002) Mendoza Elos, M.; López Benítez, A.; Rodríguez Herrera, S.A; Oyervides Garcia, A.; De Leon, C.; Jeffers, D.P.
  • Moléstias do milho: guia para sua identificacão no campo
    (CIMMYT, 1978) De Leon, C.
    Este folheto foi preparado na forma de guia para permitir a rapida identificacao das molestias do mil ho no campo. Tern o propósito de ser útil a produtores e técnicos agrícolas. O texto descreve de modo sucinto algumas das principais molestias do milho, seus agentes causais. seus sintomas. Para facilitar a identificacao visual traz ilustracoes fotográficas coloridas de plantas atacadas par moléstias. As molestias aqui descritas foram escolhidas de conformidade com a sua capacidade de causar prejulzos economicos nas regioes produtoras do milho do mundo. O folheto, nesta segunda edicao, foi melhorado com a inclusao de diversas moléstias específicas de determinadas regioes. A classificacao empregada neste trabalho. de acordo com os agentes causais, envolve tres grupos de moléstias causadas par: 1) fungos: 2) bacterias e 3) virus.
  • Enfermedades del maiz: una guía para su identificación en el campo
    (CIMMYT, 1984) De Leon, C.
    Este folleto se preparo a manera de guia rapida para la identificacion de enfermedades del maiz en el campo. El proposito es que sirva a productores y tecnicos agricolas. El texto describe brevemente algunas de las principales enfermedades del maiz, sus agentes causales y sus sintomas. Como ayuda para la identificacion visual, se ha ilustrado con fotografias a color de plantas enfermas. Las enfermedades descritas aqui se seleccionaron de acuerdo con su potencialidad de causar daños economicos en las regiones productoras de maiz del mundo. En esta segunda edicion se ha mejorado el folleto al añadir varias envermedades especificas en areas determinadas. La
  • Maize diseases: a guide for field identification
    (CIMMYT, 1984) De Leon, C.
    This booklet is designed as a quick guide for identifying maize diseases. It is intended for field use by agricultural technicians and maize producers. The text provides a brief description of some of the principal maize diseases, their causal agents, and their symptoms. Color photos of diseased plants are included as an aid to visual identification. The three major disease classifications are described according to causal agents: (1) fungi, (2) bacteria, and (3) viruses. Diseases included were selected on the basis off their potential for economic damage in maize-growing countries throughout the world. In this second edition some area specific diseases have
  • Heterosis in acid soil-tolerant maize germplasm
    (CIMMYT, [1997?].) Narro, L.A.; Pandey, S.; De Leon, C.; Pérez, J.C.; Salazar Villarreal, F.A.; Arias, M.P.; Celis, J.; Reyes, S.; Mejía, S.
  • Maladies du mais: un guide pour les identifier sur le terrain
    (CIMMYT, 1978) De Leon, C.
    Ce fascicule a ete redige en sorte qu'il puisse servir de guide commode pour I'identification des maladies du mars. II est destine a étre utilise sur le terrain par les chercheurs, les vulgarisateurs et les marsculteurs. Le texte decrit brievement quelques-unes des maladies importantes du mais, leurs pathogenes et leurs symptomes. Les illustrations en couleurs des plantes atteintes faciliteront I'identification visuelle. Les maladies sont groupees selon les types de pathogenes: (1) cryptogames (champignons), (2) bacteries et (3) virus. Le choix des maladies ci-incluses est base sur I'importance economique des degats qu'elles peuvent causer au mars a travers le monde. Dans cette deuxieme edition nous avons inclus des maladies specifiques a certaines regions.
  • Publication
  • Maize diseases: a guide for field identification
    (CIMMYT, 1978) De Leon, C.
    This booklet is designed as a quick guide for identifying maize diseases. It is intended for field use by agricultural technicians and maize producers. The text provides a brief description of some of the principal maize diseases. their causal agents. and their symptoms. Color photos of diseased plants are included as an aid to visual identification. The three major disease classifications are described according to causal agents: ( 1) fungi , (2) bacteria. and (3) viruses. Diseases included were selected on the basis of their potential for economic damage in maize-growing countries throughout the world. In this second edition we have included some area specific diseases.
  • Genetic effects for maize traits in acid and non-acid soils
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2008) Perez Velasquez, J.C.; Lopes de Souza, C.; Narro, L.A.; Pandey, S.; De Leon, C.
    Breeding programs for acid-soil tolerance are desirable as a relatively inexpensive and permanent way for increasing maize (Zea mays L.) yield on these soils. Our objective was to compare the genetic effects controlling the expression of maize traits in acid and non-acid soils. Seven related and one unrelated inbred lines, with different levels of tolerance to acid soil, and their F1, F2, BC1, and BC2 generations were evaluated in four acid and two non-acid soils. Estimates of additive, dominance, and epistatic effects were computed for grain yield, plant height, days to mid-silk, and prolificacy, using the generation means analysis procedure. For all traits the major part of the variation was accounted for by additive and dominance effects, with dominance effects being more important than additive and epistatic effects for both acid and non-acid soils. Epistatic effects were significant for some crosses only, being more pronounced for plant height than for the other traits. Furthermore, epistatic effects were randomly distributed among the crosses and were not related to the grain yield of the single-crosses (F1's) and to the genetic relationships of the inbreds in either type of soil. The results suggest that similar pooled gene effects control the expression of the traits assessed in both acid and non-acid soils.