Finlay, K.W.

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Finlay, K.W.

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  • A survey on stem rust resistance in the USDA world durum collection and in CIMMYT durum breeding lines
    (CIMMYT, 1970) Rajaram, S.; Devecioglu, B.; Borlaug, N.E.; Finlay, K.W.; Varughese, G.; Rodriguez, E.
    Utilizing the stem rust races with known pathogenicity genes, 349 varieties of durums have been screened. These varieties were selected from over 3,000 of the USDA World Durum Collection on basis of their field reaction when grown in the Yaqui Valley, Mex
  • Results of the third International Spring Wheat Yield Nursery (ISWYN), 1966-1967
    (CIMMYT, 1970) Finlay, K.W.; Krull, C.F.; Borlaug, N.E.
    Fifty wheat vanettes representative of the major spring types were tested in the Third International Spring Wheat Yield Nursery ( ISWYN). Results were obtained from 62 locations throughout the spring wheat regions of the world. Data received included yield and other agronomic and disease traits. These data were analyzed statistically and correlations were calculated between the means of all traits measured for each location. Two new varieties, Super X and Inia 66, proved generally well adapted as indicated by their overall mean yield. Also, the varieties Pitic 62, Lerma Rojo 64A and Penjamo 62 were again among the five highest yielding varieties. This suggests that from year to year some varieties do well over a very wide range of environments and yet improvements can be made. The results from this ISWYN further support the previous contention that it is possible to breed varieties that have a much wider range of adaptation than was previously thought possible.