Person: Semagn, K.
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Semagn, K.
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- Discovery and validation of genomic regions associated with resistance to maize lethal necrosis in four biparental populations(Springer Verlag, 2018) Gowda, M.; Beyene, Y.; Makumbi, D.; Semagn, K.; Olsen, M.; Jumbo, M.B; Das, B.; Mugo, S.N.; Suresh, L.M.; Prasanna, B.M.In sub-Saharan Africa, maize is the key determinant of food security for smallholder farmers. The sudden outbreak of maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease is seriously threatening the maize production in the region. Understanding the genetic basis of MLN resistance is crucial. In this study, we used four biparental populations applied linkage mapping and joint linkage mapping approaches to identify and validate the MLN resistance-associated genomic regions. All populations were genotyped with low to high density markers and phenotyped in multiple environments against MLN under artificial inoculation. Phenotypic variation for MLN resistance was significant and heritability was moderate to high in all four populations for both early and late stages of disease infection. Linkage mapping revealed three major quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 3, 6, and 9 that were consistently detected in at least two of the four populations. Phenotypic variance explained by a single QTL in each population ranged from 3.9% in population 1 to 43.8% in population 2. Joint linkage association mapping across three populations with three biometric models together revealed 16 and 10 main effect QTL for MLN-early and MLN-late, respectively. The QTL identified on chromosomes 3, 5, 6, and 9 were consistent with the QTL identified by linkage mapping. Ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction with five-fold cross-validation revealed high accuracy for prediction across populations for both MLN-early and MLN-late. Overall, the study discovered and validated the presence of major effect QTL on chromosomes 3, 6, and 9 which can be potential candidates for marker-assisted breeding to improve the MLN resistance.
Publication - Genome‑wide association and genomic prediction of resistance to maize lethal necrosis disease in tropical maize germplasm(Springer, 2015) Gowda, M.; Das, B.; Makumbi, D.; Babu, R.; Semagn, K.; Mahuku, G.; Olsen, M.; Jumbo, M.B; Beyene, Y.; Prasanna, B.M.The maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND) caused by synergistic interaction of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Sugarcane mosaic virus, and has emerged as a serious threat to maize production in eastern Africa since 2011. Our objective was to gain insights into the genetic architecture underlying the resistance to MLND by genome-wide association study (GWAS) and genomic selection. We used two association mapping (AM) panels comprising a total of 615 diverse tropical/subtropical maize inbred lines. All the lines were evaluated against MLND under artificial inoculation. Both the panels were genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing. Phenotypic variation for MLND resistance was significant and heritability was moderately high in both the panels. Few promising lines with high resistance to MLND were identified to be used as potential donors. GWAS revealed 24 SNPs that were significantly associated (P < 3 × 10−5) with MLND resistance. These SNPs are located within or adjacent to 20 putative candidate genes that are associated with plant disease resistance. Ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction with five-fold cross-validation revealed higher prediction accuracy for IMAS-AM panel (0.56) over DTMA-AM (0.36) panel. The prediction accuracy for both within and across panels is promising; inclusion of MLND resistance associated SNPs into the prediction model further improved the accuracy. Overall, the study revealed that resistance to MLND is controlled by multiple loci with small to medium effects and the SNPs identified by GWAS can be used as potential candidates in MLND resistance breeding program.
Publication - Genetic diversity among selected elite CIMMYT maize hybrids in East and Southern Africa(Crop Science Society of America, 2017) Masuka, B.; Biljon, A.; Cairns, J.E.; Das, B.; Labuschagne, M.; MacRobert, J.; Makumbi, D.; Magorokosho, C.; Zaman-Allah, M.; Ogugo, V.; Olsen, M.; Prasanna, B.M.; Tarekegne, A.T.; Semagn, K.Genetic gain within the CIMMYT Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) breeding program from 2000 to 2010 was recently estimated at 0.85 to 2.2% yr−1 under various environmental conditions. Over 100 varieties were disseminated from CIMMYT to farmers in ESA, hence the need to check genetic diversity and frequency of use of parents to avoid potential narrowing down of the genetic base. Fifty-five parents from CIMMYT ESA used in the hybrids were fingerprinted using genotyping-by-sequencing. Data analysis in TASSEL and MEGA6 generated pairwise genetic distances between parents of 0.004 to 0.4005. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) analysis produced two clusters (I and II) with two subclusters each (A and B) and two sub-subclusters (IAi and IAii). Principal coordinate analysis produced three clusters where IAi and IIA from the UPGMA analysis formed independent clusters while IAii, IB, and IIB clustered together. Lines were separated by pedigree and origin. Ninety-five percent frequency of pairwise genetic distances ranged between 0.2001 and 0.4000. However, only four of the 55 parents (CML444, CML395, CML312, and CML442) were each used in 15 to 30 of the 52 hybrids evaluated in the genetic gain study. The remaining 51 were used in one to four hybrids. Frequent use of the four parents gave 29 to 58% of the hybrids a narrow genetic base, posing risk in case of pest or disease outbreaks. Parents evaluated do not represent the genetic base of CIMMYT ESA but parents of the best-performing hybrids selected from 2000 to 2010. Breeders should ensure a wide genetic base for released varieties to avoid breakdown in case of pest or disease outbreaks.
Publication - Genetic variation and population structure of maize inbred lines adapted to the mid-altitude sub-humid maize agro-ecology of Ethiopia using single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers(BioMed Central, 2017) Tadesse, B.; Semagn, K.; Das, B.; Olsen, M.; Labuschagne, M.; Regasa, M.W.; Dagne Wegary Gissa; Azmach, G.; Ogugo, V.; Keno, T.; Abebe, B.; Chibsa, T.; Menkir, A.Molecular characterization is important for efficient utilization of germplasm and development of improved varieties. In the present study, we investigated the genetic purity, relatedness and population structure of 265 maize inbred lines from the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) using 220,878 single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers obtained using genotyping by sequencing (GBS). Only 22% of the inbred lines were considered pure with <5% heterogeneity, while the remaining 78% of the inbred lines had a heterogeneity ranging from 5.1 to 31.5%. Pairwise genetic distances among the 265 inbred lines varied from 0.011 to 0.345, with 89% of the pairs falling between 0.301 and 0.345. Only <1% of the pairs had a genetic distance lower than 0.200, which included 14 pairs of sister lines that were nearly identical. Relative kinship analysis showed that the kinship coefficients for 59% of the pairs of lines was close to zero, which agrees with the genetic distance estimates. Principal coordinate analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and the model-based population structure analysis consistently suggested the presence of three groups, which generally agreed with pedigree information (genetic background). Although not distinct enough, the SNP markers showed some level of separation between the two CIMMYT heterotic groups A and B established based on pedigree and combining ability information. The high level of heterogeneity detected in most of the inbred lines suggested the requirement for purification or further inbreeding except those deliberately maintained at early inbreeding level. The genetic distance and relative kinship analysis clearly indicated the uniqueness of most of the inbred lines in the maize germplasm available for breeders in the mid-altitude maize breeding program of Ethiopia. Results from the present study facilitate the maize breeding work in Ethiopia and germplasm exchange among breeding programs in Africa. We suggest the incorporation of high density molecular marker information in future heterotic group assignments.
Publication - Comparison of Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) and genotyping by sequencing (GBS) for quality control analysis in maize(BioMed Central, 2015) Tadesse, B.; Ogugo, V.; Regasa, M.W.; Das, B.; Olsen, M.; Labuschagne, M.; Semagn, K.Background: Quality control (QC) analysis is an important component in maize breeding and seed systems. Genotyping by next-generation sequencing (GBS) is an emerging method of SNP genotyping, which is being increasingly adopted for discovery applications, but its suitability for QC analysis has not been explored. The objectives of our study were 1) to evaluate the level of genetic purity and identity among two to nine seed sources of 16 inbred lines using 191 Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) and 257,268 GBS markers, and 2) compare the correlation between the KASP-based low and the GBS-based high marker density on QC analysis. Results: Genetic purity within each seed source varied from 49 to 100 % for KASP and from 74 to 100 % for GBS. All except one of the inbred lines obtained from CIMMYT showed 98 to 100 % homogeneity irrespective of the marker type. On the contrary, only 16 and 21 % of the samples obtained from EIAR and partners showed ≥95 % purity for KASP and GBS, respectively. The genetic distance among multiple sources of the same line designation varied from 0.000 to 0.295 for KASP and from 0.004 to 0.230 for GBS. Five lines from CIMMYT showed ≤ 0.05 distance among multiple sources of the same line designation; the remaining eleven inbred lines, including two from CIMMYT and nine from Ethiopia showed higher than expected genetic distances for two or more seed sources. The correlation between the 191 KASP and 257,268 GBS markers was 0.88 for purity and 0.93 for identity. A reduction in the number of GBS markers to 1,343 decreased the correlation coefficient only by 0.03. Conclusions: Our results clearly showed high discrepancy both in genetic purity and identity by the origin of the seed sources (institutions) irrespective of the type of genotyping platform and number of markers used for analyses. Although there were some numerical differences between KASP and GBS, the overall conclusions reached from both methods was basically similar, which clearly suggests that smaller subset of preselected and high quality markers are sufficient for QC analysis that can easily be done using low marker density genotyping platforms, such as KASP. Results from this study would be highly relevant for plant breeders and seed system specialists.
Publication - Genome‑wide association and genomic prediction of resistance to maize lethal necrosis disease in tropical maize germplasm(Springer, 2015) Gowda, M.; Das, B.; Makumbi, D.; Babu, R.; Semagn, K.; Mahuku, G.; Olsen, M.; Bright, J.M.; Beyene, Y.; Prasanna, B.M.The maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND) caused by synergistic interaction of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Sugarcane mosaic virus, and has emerged as a serious threat to maize production in eastern Africa since 2011. Our objective was to gain insights into the genetic architecture underlying the resistance to MLND by genome-wide association study (GWAS) and genomic selection. We used two association mapping (AM) panels comprising a total of 615 diverse tropical/subtropical maize inbred lines. All the lines were evaluated against MLND under artificial inoculation. Both the panels were genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing. Phenotypic variation for MLND resistance was significant and heritability was moderately high in both the panels. Few promising lines with high resistance to MLND were identified to be used as potential donors. GWAS revealed 24 SNPs that were significantly associated (P < 3 × 10−5) with MLND resistance. These SNPs are located within or adjacent to 20 putative candidate genes that are associated with plant disease resistance. Ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction with five-fold cross-validation revealed higher prediction accuracy for IMAS-AM panel (0.56) over DTMA-AM (0.36) panel. The prediction accuracy for both within and across panels is promising; inclusion of MLND resistance associated SNPs into the prediction model further improved the accuracy. Overall, the study revealed that resistance to MLND is controlled by multiple loci with small to medium effects and the SNPs identified by GWAS can be used as potential candidates in MLND resistance breeding program.