Person: Joshi, A.K.
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Joshi, A.K.
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- Physiological and morphological aspects of bipolaris sorokiniana conidia surviving on wheat straw(Korean Society of Plant Pathology, 2002) Chand, R.; Singh, H.V.; Joshi, A.K.; Duveiller, E.Wheat samples showing typical spot blotch symptoms on stems and sheaths were collected from the field after physiological maturity, and were sealed in paper bags and stored in the laboratory at room temperature to study the survival of Bipolaris sorokiniana conidia on wheat straw. The materials were observed at monthly intervals to assess the conidia viability during storage. After 4 months, the frequency of individual conidia already present on wheat straw at the time of sampling was reduced and appeared to be progressively replaced by the formation of round structures consist-ing of conidia aggregates. After 5 months, distinct, individual conidia were no longer detected, and only 'clumps of conidia' were observed. These dark black aggregates or 'clumps of conidia’measured 157-170 μm in diameter and were grouped into boat-shaped olivacious conidia showing thick wall and measuring 50-82 × 20-30 μm. The germination was unipolar and below 0.5%, suggesting the occurrence of dormancy, In contrast, individual conidium produced on wheat during the growing season were 96-130 × 16-20 μm, slightly curved, hyaline to light pale, and euseptate with a bipolar germination reaching 98-100%. Bipolaris sorokiniana conidia produced on PDA were 55-82 × 20-27 μm, tapered at both ends, dark brown to olivacious, distoseptate, showed up to 1% germination, and were predominantly unipolar. Results of the present study suggest that B. sorokiniana conidia belonged to two different physiological categories corresponding to the pathogen's infection phase and its survival, respectively. The infection phase is characterized by a high germination percentage as opposed to the survival phase harboring apparent dormancy