Person: Sehgal, D.
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Sehgal, D.
20 results
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- Genomic wide association study and selective sweep analysis identify genes associated with improved yield under drought in Turkish winter wheat germplasm(Nature Publishing Group, 2024) Sehgal, D.; Rathan, N.D.; Ozdemir, F.; Keser, M.; Akin, B.; Dababat, A.A.; Koc, E.; Dreisigacker, S.; Morgounov, A.
Publication - Chapter 11. Genomic insights on global journeys of adaptive wheat genes that brought us to modern wheat(Springer Cham, 2024) Sehgal, D.; Dixon, L.; Pequeno, D.N.L.; Hyles, J.; Lacey, I.; Crossa, J.; Bentley, A.R.; Dreisigacker, S.
Publication - Capturing wheat phenotypes at the genome level(Frontiers Media S.A., 2022) Hussain, B.; Akpınar, B.A.; Alaux, M.; Algharib, A.M.; Sehgal, D.; Ali, Z.; Aradottir, G.I.; Batley, J.; Bellec, A.; Bentley, A.R.; Cagirici, H.B.; Cattivelli, L.; Choulet, F.; Cockram, J.; Desiderio, F.; Devaux, P.; Dogramaci, M.; Dorado, G.; Dreisigacker, S.; Edwards, D.; El Hassouni, K.; Eversole, K.; Fahima, T.; Figueroa, M.; Gálvez, S.; Gill, K.S.; Govta, L.; Gul, A.; Hensel, G.; Hernandez, P.; Crespo Herrera, L.A.; Ibrahim, A.M.H.; Kilian, B.; Korzun, V.; Krugman, T.; Yinghui Li; Shuyu Liu; Mahmoud, A.F.; Morgounov, A.; Muslu, T.; Naseer, F.; Ordon, F.; Paux, E.; Perovic, D.; Reddy, G.V.P.; Reif, J.C.; Reynolds, M.P.; Roychowdhury, R.; Rudd, J.C.; Sen, T.Z.; Sukumaran, S.; Bahar Sogutmaz Ozdemir; Tiwari, V.K.; Ullah, N.; Unver, T.; Yazar, S.; Appels, R.; Budak, H.
Publication - Validación del QTL HAP-6A-13 asociado a peso de grano en trigos harineros de primavera(Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenetica, 2022) Garcia Barrios, G.; Dreisigacker, S.; Sehgal, D.; Cruz-Izquierdo, S.; Lobato-Ortiz, R.; Pacheco Gil, R.A,
Publication - Genomic variants affecting homoeologous gene expression dosage contribute to agronomic trait variation in allopolyploid wheat(Nature Publishing Group, 2022) Fei He; Wei Wang; Rutter, W.B.; Jordan, K.; Jie Ren; Taagen, E.; DeWitt, N.; Sehgal, D.; Sukumaran, S.; Dreisigacker, S.; Reynolds, M.P.; Halder, J.; Sehgal, S.K.; Shuyu Liu; Jianli Chen; Fritz, A.; Cook, J.; Brown-Guedira, G.; Pumphrey, M.; Carter, A.; Sorrells, M.E.; Dubcovsky, J.; Hayden, M.; Akhunova, A.; Morrell, P.L.; Szabo, L.J.; Rouse, M.N.; Akhunov, E.
Publication - Diversity and adaptation of currently grown wheat landraces and modern germplasm in Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey(MDPI, 2021) Morgounov, A.; Ozdemir, F.; Keser, M.; Akin, B.; Dababat, A.A.; Dreisigacker, S.; Golkari, S.; Koc, E.; Kucukcongar, M.; Muminjanov, H.; Nehe, A.; Rasheed, A.; Roostaei, M.; Sehgal, D.; Sharma, R.
Publication - Selection signatures in the CIMMYT International Elite Spring and Semi-arid Wheat Yield Trials(CSSA, 2022) Mondaini, A.; Rosyara, U.; Sehgal, D.; Dreisigacker, S.
Publication - Wheat genomics and breeding: bridging the gap(CABI, 2021) Hussain, B.; Akpınar, B.A.; Alaux, M.; Algharib, A.M.; Sehgal, D.; Ali, Z.; Appels, R.; Aradottir, G.I.; Batley, J.; Bellec, A.; Bentley, A.R.; Cagirici, H.B.; Cattivelli, L.; Choulet, F.; Cockram, J.; Desiderio, F.; Devaux, P.; Dogramaci, M.; Dorado, G.; Dreisigacker, S.; Edwards, D.; El Hassouni, K.; Eversole, K.; Fahima, T.; Figueroa, M.; Gálvez, S.; Gill, K.S.; Govta, L.; Gul, A.; Hensel, G.; Hernandez, P.; Crespo Herrera, L.A.; Ibrahim, A.M.H.; Kilian, B.; Korzun, V.; Krugman, T.; Yinghui Li; Shuyu Liu; Mahmoud, A.F.; Morgounov, A.; Muslu, T.; Naseer, F.; Ordon, F.; Paux, E.; Perovic, D.; Reddy, G.V.P.; Reif, J.C.; Reynolds, M.P.; Roychowdhury, R.; Rudd, J.C.; Sen, T.Z.; Sukumaran, S.; Tiwari, V.K.; Ullah, N.; Unver, T.; Yazar, S.; Budak, H.
Publication - Genome-wide association study of tan spot resistance in a hexaploid wheat collection from Kazakhstan(Frontiers, 2021) Kokhmetova, A.; Sehgal, D.; Ali, S.; Atishova, M.; Kumarbayeva, M.; Leonova, I.N.; Dreisigacker, S.
Publication - Incorporating genome-wide association mapping results into genomic prediction models for grain yield and yield stability in CIMMYT spring bread wheat(Frontiers, 2020) Sehgal, D.; Rosyara, U.; Mondal, S.; Singh, R.P.; Poland, J.; Dreisigacker, S.