Genying Li

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Genying Li
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Genying Li

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  • Allelic variations of Puroindoline a and Puroindoline b genes in new type of synthetic hexaploid wheats from CIMMYT
    (Institute of Crop Sciences, 2007) Genying Li; Xianchun Xia; He Zhonghu; Sun, Qi-Xin
  • Distribution of grain hardness and puroindoline alleles in landraces, historical and current wheats in Shandong province
    (Institute of Crop Sciences, 2007) Genying Li; Xianchun Xia; He Zhonghu; Sun, Qi-Xin; Huang Cheng-Yan
    Studies on the grain hardness and puroindolines alleles in wheat cultivars released in different historical periods, are helpful for breeding wheat cultivar with optimal endosperm texture. In the present study, 523 accessions from Shandong Province including 431 landraces, 63 historical cultivars and 29 current cultivars were used to evaluate the SKCS hardness and distribution of puroindoline alleles (Pins). Distribution of grain hardness differed in landraces, historical cultivars and current wheats, with 75.6%, 20.4%, and 3.9% of hard texture, and 20.4%, 19.0%, and 13.8% of mixed wheats, and 3.9%, 68.3%, and 58.6% of soft grains, respectively. Six genotypes of Pina and Pinb were present in landraces, in which Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1p and Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1b were the dominant genotypes, accounting for 38.0% and 59.6% of hard wheat, respectively. Compared with landraces, the polymorphism of Pina and Pinb was decreased in historical cultivars. Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1a, Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b, and Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1p accounted for 37.5%, 37.5%, and 25.0% of hard wheat, respectively, whereas, Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b was the only genotype presented in hard genotype of current cultivars surveyed. A novel Pinb allele with double mutations at the positions of 96th (C to A) and 265th (deletion of A) was found in three landraces, and was designated as Pinb-D1aa.
  • Development of a fingerprinting database and assembling an SSR reference kit for genetic diversity analysis of wheat
    (Institute of Crop Sciences, 2006) Genying Li; Dreisigacker, S.; Warburton, M.; Xianchun Xia; He Zhonghu; Sun, Qi-Xin
    Understanding of the current and expanded genetic diversity is very important for raising the yield of wheat. Genetic diversity based on molecular markers has been studied in plants for over thirty decades. SSR is the currently most popular marker system in wheat. In order to utilize the diversity held in NARS (National Agricultural Research Station) and CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) germplasm collections, one of the GCP’s (Generation Challenge Program) premier capacity building activities is to build databases that contain traditional and molecular data on germplasm so that scientists all over the world can access information with relevance to their region on traits, genes, and sequences. In the present study, a fingerprinting database was established containing 134 SSR primers and 2 457 wheat genotypes with the data from CIMMYT and three collaborators: ICARDA, Agropolis, and CAAS. On the base of the database, a SSR reference kit for wheat genetic diversity analysis was developed, which will facilitate the use of this data in new projects and cross-laboratory comparisons. In total, 46 SSR primers with comparatively high polymorphism were selected as the reference markers to constitute the standard allele kit, 334 genotypes fingerprinted within the GCP tier 1 project “Genotyping a composite germplasm set in wheat” were chosen to represent the SSR allele kit consisting of 794 alleles amplified by 46 SSR markers. Genotypes were originally selected and DNA extracted by CIMMYT and 3 additional collaborators: ICARDA, Agropolis, and CAAS. These 334 genotypes, when taken as a group, amplify every allele seen for the wheat genotypes for all the 46 SSRs. The Genotypes were originally amplified with 26 SSRs at CIMMYT, with 8 SSRs at INRA, France, and with 12 SSRs at CAAS. Genotypes were amplified with all SSRs at CIMMYT again to confirm the results. For reamplification at CIMMYT, forward primers were labeled at the 5’ end with either one of three phosphoramidite fluorescent dyes 6-carboxyflouresein (6-Fam), tetrachloro-6-carboxyflouresein (Tet) or hexachloro-6- carboxyflouresein (Hex). PCR-reactions were carried out in an MJ-Research thermocycler model PTC225. Amplification products were separated on an ABI-Prism SequencerTM377 using 4.5% polyacrylamide denaturing gels. Fragment sizes were calculated semi-automatically with the computer software GeneScan 3.1 by comparing to fragments of an internal size standard (GeneScan 350 or 500) labeled with N,N,N,N, -tetramethyl-6-carboxyrhodamine (Tamra). GeneScan fragments were assigned to alleles using the category function of the software Genotyper 2.1. The two genotypes, Opata and Synthetic were run in each gel as controls. Finally, a SSR reference kit was assembled which includes 46 pairs of SSR primers, protocols (PCR condition, detection of polymorphisms, etc), description of polymorphism in the reference samples, reference DNA samples for a complete range of repeatable 592 alleles, methods for comparing new to preexisting data, and classification of various genotypes. The database and the reference kit will provide a powerful tool for genetic diversity studies of wheat germplasm worldwide.