Yue Jin

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Yue Jin
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Yue Jin

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Field resistance to wheat stem rust in durum wheat accessions deposited at the USDA National Small Grains Collection
    (CSSA, 2021) Olivera Firpo, P.D.; Worku Denbel Bulbula; Badebo, A.; Bockelman, H.; Edae, E.A.; Yue Jin
  • Mapping and validation of stem rust resistance loci in spring wheat line CI 14275
    (Frontiers, 2021) Kosgey, Z.C.; Edae, E.A.; Dill-Macky, R.; Yue Jin; Worku Denbel Bulbula; Gemechu, A.; Macharia, G.; Bhavani, S.; Randhawa, M.S.; Rouse, M.N.
  • Identification of seedling resistance to stem rust in advanced wheat lines and varieties from Pakistan
    (CSSA, 2020) Rehman, M.U.; Gale, S.; Brown-Guedira, G.; Yue Jin; Marshall, D.; Whitcher, L.W.; Williamson, S.; Rouse, M.N.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, G.; Shah, I.A.; Mehboob Ali Sial; Rauf, Y.; Rattu, A.; Mirza, J.I.; Ward, R.W.; Nadeem, M.; Ullah, G.; Imtiaz, M.
  • Stem rust resistance in wheat is suppressed by a subunit of the mediator complex
    (Nature Publishing Group, 2020) Hiebert, C. W.; Moscou, M.J.; Hewitt, T.; Steuernagel, B.; Hernández-Pinzón, I.; Green, P.; Pujol, V.; Peng Zhang; Rouse, M.N.; Yue Jin; McIntosh, R.A.; Upadhyaya, N.; Jianping Zhang; Bhavani, S.; Vrána, J.; Karafiátová, M.; Li Huang; Fetch, T.; Dolezel, J.; Wulff, B.B.H.; Lagudah, E.; Spielmeyer, W.
  • Characterization of Ethiopian wheat germplasm for resistance to four Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races facilitated by single-race nurseries
    (American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2019) Kotu, B.H.; Girma, B.; Tadesse, Z.; Edae, E.A.; Olivera Firpo, P.D.; Hailu, E.; Worku Denbel Bulbula; Abeyo Bekele Geleta; Badebo, A.; Cisar, G.; Brown-Guedira, G.; Gale, S.; Yue Jin; Rouse, M.N.
    In Ethiopia, breeding rust resistant wheat cultivars is a priority for wheat production. A stem rust epidemic during 2013 to 2014 on previously resistant cultivar Digalu highlighted the need to determine the effectiveness of wheat lines to multiple races of Puccinia graminisf. sp. tritici in Ethiopia. During 2014 and 2015, we evaluated a total of 97 bread wheat and 14 durum wheat genotypes against four P. graminis f. sp. tritici races at the seedling stage and in single-race field nurseries. Resistance genes were postulated using molecular marker assays. Bread wheat lines were resistant to race JRCQC, the race most virulent to durum wheat. Lines with stem rust resistance gene Sr24 possessed the most effective resistance to the four races. Only three lines with adult plant resistance possessed resistance effective to the four races comparable with cultivars with Sr24. Although responses of the wheat lines across races were positively correlated, wheat lines were identified that possessed adult plant resistance to race TTKSK but were relatively susceptible to race TKTTF. This study demonstrated the importance of testing wheat lines for response to multiple races of the stem rust pathogen to determine if lines possessed non-race-specific resistance.
  • Genetic loci conditioning adult plant resistance to the Ug99 Race group and seedling resistance to races TRTTF and TTTTF of the stem rust pathogen in wheat landrace CItr 15026
    (American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2017) Babiker, E.M.; Gordon, T.; Bonman, J.M.; Shiaoman Chao; Rouse, M.N.; Yue Jin; Newcomb, M.; Wanyera, R.; Bhavani, S.
    Wheat landrace CItr 15026 previously showed adult plant resistance (APR) to the Ug99 stem rust race group in Kenya and seedling resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races QFCSC, TTTTF, and TRTTF. CItr 15026 was crossed to susceptible accessions LMPG-6 and Red Bobs, and 180 double haploid (DH) lines and 140 recombinant inbred lines (RIL), respectively, were developed. The 90K wheat iSelect single-nucleotide polymorphism platform was used to genotype the parents and populations. Parents and 180 DH lines were evaluated in the field in Kenya for three seasons. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for APR was consistently detected on chromosome arm 6AS. This QTL was further detected in the RIL population screened in Kenya for one season. Parents, F1, and the two populations were tested as seedlings against races TRTTF and TTTTF. In addition, the DH population was tested against race QFCSC. Goodness-of-fit tests indicated that the TRTTF resistance in CItr 15026 was controlled by two complementary genes whereas the TTTTF and QFCSC resistance was conditioned by one dominant gene. The TRTTF resistance loci mapped to chromosome arms 6AS and 6DS, whereas the TTTTF and QFCSC resistance locus mapped to the same region on 6DS as the TRTTF resistance. The APR identified in CItr 15026 should be useful in developing cultivars with durable stem rust resistance.
  • Overview of stem rust epidemics in eastern Africa and races causing the epidemics
    (USDA, 2016) Hodson, D.P.; Yue Jin; Hovmoller, M.S.
  • Nested association mapping of stem rust resistance in wheat using genotyping by sequencing
    (Public Library of Science, 2016) Bajgain, P.; Rouse, M.N.; Tsilo, T.J.; Macharia, G.; Bhavani, S.; Yue Jin; Anderson, J.
    We combined the recently developed genotyping by sequencing (GBS) method with joint mapping (also known as nested association mapping) to dissect and understand the genetic architecture controlling stem rust resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ten stem rust resistant wheat varieties were crossed to the susceptible line LMPG-6 to generate F6 recombinant inbred lines. The recombinant inbred line populations were phenotyped in Kenya, South Africa, and St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. By joint mapping of the 10 populations, we identified 59 minor and medium-effect QTL (explained phenotypic variance range of 1% – 20%) on 20 chromosomes that contributed towards adult plant resistance to North American Pgt races as well as the highly virulent Ug99 race group. Fifteen of the 59 QTL were detected in multiple environments. No epistatic relationship was detected among the QTL. While these numerous small- to medium-effect QTL are shared among the families, the founder parents were found to have different allelic effects for the QTL. Fourteen QTL identified by joint mapping were also detected in single-population mapping. As these QTL were mapped using SNP markers with known locations on the physical chromosomes, the genomic regions identified with QTL could be explored more in depth to discover candidate genes for stem rust resistance. The use of GBS-derived de novo SNPs in mapping resistance to stem rust shown in this study could be used as a model to conduct similar markertrait association studies in other plant species.
  • Kenyan Isolates of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici from 2008 to 2014: virulence to SrTmp in the Ug99 race group and implications for breeding programs
    (American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2016) Newcomb, M.; Olivera Firpo, P.D.; Rouse, M.N.; Szabo, L.J.; Johnson, J.W.; Gale, S.; Luster, D.G.; Wanyera, R.; Macharia, G.; Bhavani, S.; Hodson, D.P.; Patpour, M.; Hovmoller, M.S.; Fetch, T.; Yue Jin
    Frequent emergence of new variants in the Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99 race group in Kenya has made pathogen survey a priority. We analyzed 140 isolates from 78 P. graminis f. sp. tritici samples collected in Kenya between 2008 and 2014 and identified six races, including three not detected prior to 2013. Genotypic analysis of 20 isolates from 2013 and 2014 collections showed that the new races TTHST, TTKTK, and TTKTT belong to the Ug99 race group. International advanced breeding lines were evaluated against an isolate of TTKTT (Sr31, Sr24, and SrTmp virulence) at the seedling stage. From 169 advanced lines from Kenya, 23% of lines with resistance to races TTKSK and TTKST were susceptible to TTKTT and, from two North American regional nurseries, 44 and 91% of resistant lines were susceptible. Three lines with combined resistance genes were developed to facilitate pathogen monitoring and race identification. These results indicate the increasing virulence and variability in the Kenyan P. graminis f. sp. tritici population and reveal vulnerabilities of elite germplasm to new races.
  • First Report of the Ug99 race group of Wheat Stem Rust, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, in Egypt in 2014
    (American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2016) Patpour, M.; Hovmoller, M.S.; Shahin, A.; Newcomb, M.; Olivera Firpo, P.D.; Yue Jin; Luster, D.G.; Hodson, D.P.; Nazari, K.; Azab, M.
    Since the first detection of race TTKSK (Ug99) of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in Uganda in 1998 (Pretorius et al. 2000), it has been a priority to track its further spread to other wheat growing areas. To date, 10 variants in the Ug99 race group have been detected in 12 countries, i.e., Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Rwanda, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Yemen and Iran (Patpour et al. 2015). In the 2014 crop season, the presence of virulence to Sr31 in Egypt was suspected based on preliminary field observations of high infection on sources of Sr31 planted as international stem rust trap nursery at 1) Sakha Agricultural Research Station in Kafrelsheikh (31.094059° N, 30.933899° E), 2) Al-Sharqia (30.601400° N, 31.510383° E), and 3) Nubaria (30.91464° N, 29.95543° E). At Sakha, wheat cv. PBW343 (carrying Sr31) was scored 30MS-S, and the monogenic line Benno Sr31/6*LMPG was scored 20MS-S at Al-Sharqia. Three samples from each of these lines were sent to the Global Rust Reference Center (GRRC, Denmark). At Nubaria, stem rust was observed on wheat cvs. Misr-1, Misr-2, Giza 168 and Giza 171, and infected samples were collected and sent under permit to the Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit (MD, USA). Urediniospores of each sample were recovered on susceptible wheat cv. Morocco and McNair 701. Twenty-three and 11 single pustule isolates were derived and analyzed at GRRC and USDA-ARS Cereals Disease Laboratory, respectively, using 20 North American stem rust differential lines following standard race-typing procedure and infection type (IT) criteria determining virulence and avirulence (Jin et al. 2008). In addition, three supplemental tester lines of Siouxland (carrying Sr24+Sr31), Sisson (carrying Sr31+Sr36), and Triumph 64 (donor of SrTmp) were included to confirm virulence/avirulence to Sr24, Sr31, Sr36, and SrTmp. The experiments were repeated two to three times. Three races in the Ug99 race group were detected; TTKST (four isolates, IT 3+4 for Sr24, Sr31 and cv. Siouxland) from Al-Sharqia, TTKTK (13 isolates, IT 4 for Sr31, SrTmp and cv. Triumph 64) from Sakha, and TTKSK (2 isolates, IT 4 for Sr31) from Nubaria. This is the first confirmation of races in the Ug99 race group in Egypt, thereby extending the geographical distribution of Ug99-related races. Since Egypt may play a role as green-bridge for Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici between East and North African countries and the wheat belts in the Middle East and Mediterranean region, the rust surveillance efforts should be intensified in affected countries as well as in neighboring regions.