Taba, S.

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Taba, S.

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  • Latin American maize germplasm conservation: regeneration, in situ conservation, core subsets, and prebreeding
    (CIMMYT, 2005) Taba, S.
    This publication describes progress in collaborative efforts to document, characterize, regenerate, and conserve (both in seed banks and on-farm in situ) maize seed collections from the Americas since 1998. Participants from North, Central, and South America took part in a workshop at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) from 7-10 April, 2003, to discuss these issues as well as those related to core subsets and prebreeding for maize. Topics covered included: the growth of CIMMYT’s maize collection through the Cooperative Regeneration Project; core subsets and prebreeding; conservation and use of local maize races in Oaxaca and Chihuahua; kernel characteristics and tortilla making quality of maize accessions from Mexico, the Caribbean, South and Central America; and enhancement of farmers’ varieties using an example from Coahuila, Mexico. Status reports on collections held in 12 countries in the region are provided.
  • Proceedings of a Workshop held at CIMMYT
    (CIMMYT, 1999) Taba, S.
    This publication describes in collaborative efforts to conserve, document, and characterize seed collections of maize from the Americas over the last decade, as reported in a workshop at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), June 1-5, 1998, and involving participants from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean. Topics covered include methodologies for forming breeder-targeted core subsets of large seed collections and a specific subset developed based on agronomic evaluations and other data for collections from the Latin American Maize Project (LAMP; 1986-1996). Status reports on collections held in 13 countries of the region are provided, as well as recommendations for further efforts.