Person: Pixley, K.V.
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Pixley, K.V.
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- Addressing climate change effects and meeting maize demand for Asia(GMRI, 2011) Zaidi, P.; Babu, R.; Cairns, J.E.; Jeffers, D.P.; Kha, L.Q.; Krishna, G.; Krishna, V.; Mcdonald, A.; Ortiz-Ferrara, G.; Palacios-Rojas, N.; Pixley, K.V.; Prasanna, B.M.; Rashid, Z.; Tadele Tefera; Tiwari, T.P.; Vinayan, M.T.; Vengadessan, V.; Fan, X.M.; Yunbi Xu; Weidong, C.; Zhang, S.; Vivek, B.This includes the extended summaries of the scientific presentations made during the 11th Asian Maize Conference held in Nanning, China, during 7-11 November 2011. The Conference is co-organized by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), and the Guangxi Maize Research Institute (GMRI), China. The theme of the workshop is "Addressing Climate Change Effects and Meeting Maize Demand for Asia". The 11th AMC brings together over 300 maize scientists, researchers and students from public and private sectors, including participants from several Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, besides Italy, Kenya, New Zealand, Mexico, Germany, Myanmar and the USA. The Conference features over 225 presentations, including keynote lectures, invited oral presentations, and poster presentations, besides scientific deliberations and discussions on maize in Asia. The extended summaries includes reviews and research papers on a diverse range of topics, including maize trends, challenges and opportunities in Asia, abiotic and biotic stresses affecting maize production, novel tools for maize improvement, conservation agriculture, nutritional enrichment of maize, participatory plant breeding, community-based seed production, public-private partnerships, maize value chains, policies and socio-economics relevant to Asia.