Person: Bhavani, S.
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Bhavani, S.
0000-0002-4091-260856 results
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 56
- Lr34/Yr18/Sr57/Pm38 confers broad-spectrum resistance to fungal diseases via transport of sinapyl alcohol for cell wall lignification in wheat(Cell Press, 2024) Yichen Zhang; Guang Chen; Yiming Zang; Bhavani, S.; Bin Bai; Wei Liu; Miaomiao Zhao; Yikeng Cheng; Shunda Li; Wei Chen; Wenhao Yan; Hailiang Mao; Handong Su; Singh, R.P.; Lagudah, E.S.; Qiang Li; Caixia Lan
Publication - Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints: A review of historical impacts and future opportunities(John Wiley & Sons, 2024) King, J.; Dreisigacker, S.; Reynolds, M.P.; Bandyopadhyay, A.; Braun, H.J.; Crespo-Herrera, L.A.; Crossa, J.; Govindan, V.; Huerta-Espino, J.; Ibba, M.I.; Robles-Zazueta, C.A.; Saint Pierre, C.; Pawan Kumar Singh; Singh, R.P.; Achary, V.M.M.; Bhavani, S.; Blasch, G.; Shifeng Cheng; Dempewolf, H.; Flavell, R.; Gerard, G.S.; Grewal, S.; Griffiths, S.; Hawkesford, M.J.; Xinyao He; Hearne, S.; Hodson, D.P.; Howell, P.; Jalal Kamali, M.R.; Karwat, H.; Kilian, B.; King, I.P.; Kishii, M.; Kommerell, V.; Lagudah, E.S.; Caixia Lan; Montesinos-Lopez, O.A.; Nicholson, P.; Perez-Rodriguez, P.; Pinto Espinosa, F.; Pixley, K.V.; Rebetzke, G.J.; Rivera Amado, A.C.; Sansaloni, C.P.; Schulthess, U.; Sharma, S.; Shewry, P.; Guntar Subbarao; Tiwari, T.P.; Trethowan, R.M.; Uauy, C.
Publication - Identification of genomic regions associated with Ug99 adult plant resistance on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)(Springer Nature, 2024) Vikram, P.; Lopez-Vera, E.E.; Bhavani, S.; Thiyagarajan, K.; Sukhwinder-Singh
Publication - The genetics of Ug99 stem rust resistance in spring wheat variety ‘Linkert‘(Frontiers Media S.A., 2024) Edae, E.A.; Kosgey, Z.C.; Bajgain, P.; Ndung'u, N.C.; Gemechu, A.; Bhavani, S.; Anderson, J.; Rouse, M.N.
Publication Publication - Status of wheat rusts monitored in key East African countries (Kenya and Ethiopia)([CIMMYT], [2023]) Bhavani, S.
Publication - E. African spring wheat breeding pipeline and Network (CIMMYT-KALRO)(CIMMYT, 2023) Bhavani, S.