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  • Progress in developing triticale as an economic crop
    (CIMMYT, 1971) Zillinsky; Borlaug, N.E.
    This report summarizes the progress made and some of the problems encountered in the Triticale program at CIMMYT during the past year and a supplement to the reports prepared in 1968 and 1969. Since copies of the previous reports are no longer available it was necessary to review or repeat some sections to provide a better continuity of developments in the Triticale program. It is directed primarily to research workers associated with the improvement of triticales as a commercial crop. It is hoped that these reports will help to stimulate the exchange of ideas and information among research workers in all parts of the world. Reports, sug gestions and informal data from others interested in triticales would be appreciated.
  • Triticale breeding and research at CIMMYT: a progress report
    (CIMMYT, 1973) Zillinsky
    Triticale has created considerable discussion and controversy during the past few years. It has been promoted extensively in North America as a miracle crop, the answer tc growing protein deficits. Its failure to live up to the promotion has caused considerable disappointment among growers and commercial campaigns. Scientists and reporters who have made a more critical appraisal of the developments of this crop feel that what is wrong has more to do with promo· tion than with performance. Fitchie ( 1972), after an extensive survery of triticale in the United States, aptly commented in The Farm Quarte.rly that triticale deserves better than to be labeled merely a figment of promotion. He pointed out that the crop suffers from comparatively poor yields, inconsistent quality, winterkill, sterility, diseases (mostly ergot), lack of established markets and lack of proven management. Most of these problems are due to haste in moving it out of the laboratory and into farmers' fields. Lebsock ( 1972), summarizing the performance of triticales in the United States, estimated that triticale grain yields averaged about 78% of wheat yields over all tests. What is mo5~ significant, howeve_r, is that in areas where triticale improvement work is carried on, remarkable improvement in yield has been demonstrated. Most encouraging of all is the enthusiasm with which numerous scientists all over the world have undertaken the task of developing this crop so that it may make a significant contributi~n to the world food supply. This report deals with the research efforts of CIMMYT scientists and cooperators to improve triticales: A bril.'f history of triticale developmPnt and the CIMMYT research program o_bjectives and progress were reported in ClMMYT Research Bullet:n No. 17, February 1971.
  • Mejoramiento e investigación sobre triticale en el CIMMYT: informe de avances
    (CIMMYT, 1973) Zillinsky
    En años recientes, el triticale ha originado considerable discusión y controversia. En Norteamerica ha sido objeto de una extensa promoción que lo presenta como un "cultivo milagroso", la respuesta al creciente deficit de proteina. Sin embargo, la promoción ha superado la capacidad actual del triticale, y esto ha causado una cierta decepción entre los productores y entre quienes manejan las campañas comerciales. El presente informe se refiere a los esfuerzos de la investigación para mejorar los triticales, por parte de los cientificos del CIMMYT y sus colaboradores. En el folleto de investigación No. 17, del CIMMYT, febrero de 1971, se presentó una breve historia del desarrollo de los triticales, junto con los objetivos y los avances del programa.
  • Common diseases of small grain cereals: a guide to identification
    (CIMMYT, 1983) Zillinsky
    The main purpose of this guidebook is to assist in the identification of diseases and of pathogens causing diseases in cereal crops. It is not intended as an authoritative text on diseases, nor does it provide any new information on diseases or diagnostic techniques. Its primary audience includes breeders, agronomists, and young scientists-in training, especially in developing nations, who are responsible for identifying and recording trial data, screening segregating populations for disease resistance, and verifying the disease reactions of various types of plant material in their programs. At many of the research stations in developing countries, the responsibility for recording disease reactions and making selections belongs to breeders, production agronomists, and their assistants. Most of them are familiar with conspicuous diseases, such as the rusts, smuts and mildews, and feel confident that the data they report are reliable. Their confidence tends to fade, however, when faced with the need to identify foot rots, head blights and leaf blights. This guidebook is intended to help cereal crops researchers improve their knowledge and increase their confidence in dealing with the plant diseases they encounter. The diseases affecting bread wheat, durum wheat, barley, oats and triticale provide the main focus of this guidebook. Triticale is now emerging as a commercial food and feed crop in some countries and production appears destined to increase. Because it is a relatively new crop, published information on the reaction of triticale to specific diseases is meager at this time. Important observations by CIMMYT personnel and national program cooperators regarding diseases associated with triticale are included here. The scope of this guidebook is limited to the use of simple techniques helpful in identifying some of the most common causal organisms of cereal crop diseases and associated saprophytes. It is recognized that many pathogens, such as those causing foot rots and viral diseases, require more elaborate techniques for accurate diagnosis. There are many excellent books available to those who wish to delve deeper into the study of plant diseases. As a start, the Compendium of Wheat Diseases (1977) and the Compendium of Barley Diseases (1982), published by the American Phytopathological Society are especially recommended. In an effort to minimize the confusion that currently exists in the taxonomy of fungi, bacteria and viruses, the most commonly used generic and species names are used in this publication. The perfect or sexual stage is footnoted and discussed in those instances where it serves as an important stage in the initiation, recognition or spread of the disease. Considerable variability exists in nature among microorganisms, just as among higher plants. In the past, there has been a tendency among mycologists to give species status to minor morphological variants or forms that are pathogenic on different host species. Greater awareness among scientists of the natural variation that exists among all life forms has led to the establishment of fewer species groups. This trend is appreciated by many biological scientists outside the realm of taxonomy.
  • Maladies communes des céréales à paille : guide d'identification
    (CIMMYT, 1983) Pelletier Macdonald, R.; Zillinsky
    Ce guide est destine aux selectonneurs (cereales), aux agronomes et aux jeunes scientifiques en recyclage auxquels on demande d'identifier des maladies, d'enregistrer les resultats d'essais, de selectonner des plantes resistantes aux maladies dans les populations qui manifestent la segregation et de verifier les symptomes des maladies de differents germoplasmes de cereales a petits grains. Il contient l'information necessaire pour identifier plus de 70 maladies qui attaquent le ble tendre, le ble dur, l'orge, l'avoine, le seigle et le triticale. Il decrit aussi les anomalies physiologiques et celles liees a l'environnement, ainsi que les
  • Guía para la identificación de enfermedades en cereales de grano pequeño
    (CIMMYT, 1984) Zillinsky
    Esta guia esta dirigida a fitomejoradores, agronomos y cientificos en proceso de capacitacion cuyas responsabilidades incluyen la identificacion de enfermedades, el registro de datos de ensayos, la seleccion de poblaciones segregadas que demuestran tolerancia a enfermedades, asi como tambien la verificacion de las reacciones a enfermedades de diversos tipos de germoplasma de cereales de grano pequeño. Contiene la informacion necesaria para identificar mas de 70 enfermedades que afectan al trigo harinero, trigo duro o cristalino, cebada, avena, centeno y triticale. ademas de señalar anormalidades fisiologicas y ambientales, describe los