Villaseñor Mir, H.E.

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Villaseñor Mir
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Villaseñor Mir, H.E.

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  • Efecto de diversas combinaciones alelicas (glu-1 y glu-3) sobre la distribucion de Gliadinas y Gluteninas, y la estabilidad de las propiedades reologicas del trigo
    (Interciencia, 2011) De la O Olan, M.; Espitia-Rangel, E.; Villaseñor Mir, H.E.; Molina Galán, J.D; Lopez Sanchez, H.; Santacruz-Varela, A.; Peña, Roberto
    Los cambios en estabilidad de la calidad del trigo en respuesta a variaciones agro-ambientales afectan una eficiente selección en un programa de fitomejoramiento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de combinaciones alélicas de gluteninas de alto (G-APM) y de bajo peso molecular (G-BPM) sobre la distribución de fracciones ricas en gliadina y glutenina, y la estabilidad en características de calidad industrial de un grupo de 26 líneas de trigos harineros de temporal. El cultivo se desarrolló en cinco condiciones agro-ambientales generadas por manejo agronómico, en el ciclo otoño-invierno 2006-2007, en Celaya, Guanajuato, México. Se efectuó un fraccionamiento de proteínas de la harina por solubilidad en 50% propanol para obtener la fracción rica en proteína monomérica o gliadina (50PS) y la rica en proteína polimérica o glutenina (50PI), determinándose la relación 50PS/50PI. La cuantificación de las proteínas se hizo por espectrofotometría a 280nm. Se evaluaron el tiempo de amasado (TMA), fuerza (ALVW) y extensibilidad (ALVPL) de la masa. La mayoría de los caracteres de calidad mostraron una tendencia lineal a través de ambientes, obteniéndose calidad similar en las diferentes condiciones agroambientales. La combinación más estable para 50PS y 50PI fue 2*,17+18,2+12/Glu-A3e,Glu- B3h,Glu-D3b. La combinación 2*,17+18,2+12/Glu-A3e,Glu-B3g,Glu- D3b presentó mayor cantidad de proteína y una relación 50PS/50PI más alta en ambientes restrictivos. La variedad ideal es aquella con valor medio óptimo y baja variación en los parámetros de calidad en un amplio espectro de ambientes. Es difícil encontrar genotipos con buena calidad y gran estabilidad en todos los ambientes.
  • Efecto de la translocacion 1bl.1rs en la calidad del grano y harina de trigo*
    (INIFAP, 2011) Martinez Cruz, E.; Espitia-Rangel, E.; Villaseñor Mir, H.E.; Huerta-Espino, J.; Rodriguez Garcia, M.F.; Santa Rosa, R.H.; Peña, Roberto
    Presence of translocation 1BL.1RS (rye secalin proteins) in wheat genome, it has been associated with different effects on grain quality and dough rheology, depending on genetic background in which is evaluated. This is reason why aim of the present investigation was to compare physical characteristics of grain of high and low molecular weight glutenins (HMWG and LMWG) combinations with and without translocation in F7 recombinant lines, derived from breeds Gálvez M87∗Bacanora T88 and Bacanora T88∗Salamanca S75. The materials were cultivated in the Experimental Field Bajío, Roque, Guanajuato; during 2008 spring-summer cycle. The identification of glutenins combinations with and without translocation (identified as allele Glu-B3j), and determination of grain physical parameters, was carried out in quality laboratory from International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (commonly known as CIMMYT for Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo). Measured variables were: hectoliter weigh, grain hardness, protein in grain and protein in flour. Translocation was identified in six and two different recombinant combinations in breed Gálvez M87∗Bacanora T88 and Bacanora T88∗Salamanca S75, respectively. The analysis of allele Glu-B3j presence in different combinations of HMWG and LMWG, it allowed to identify lines that were associated to high and low values of hectoliter weigh, same behavior was seen for protein in grain and flour; while in both breeds translocation was associated to greater grain hardness.
  • Efecto de diferentes alelos de gluteninas de alto peso molecular sobre las propiedades viscoelasticas de la masa de trigos harineros
    (Colegio de Postgraduados, 2006) De la O Olan, M.; Espitia-Rangel, E.; Molina Galán, J.D; Peña, Roberto; Santacruz-Varela, A.; Villaseñor Mir, H.E.
    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) industrialization quality is intimately related to the quantity and quality of proteins; this depends on the presence of different alleles of glutenin of high molecular weight. To determine the effect of different high molecular weight glutenin alleles on the viscoelastic properties of bread wheat dough, tests were made on a group of 69 lines derived from the cross Rebeca F2000 by Salamanca S75 by single seed descent from F2 to F6, along with the parental varieties. The lines were sown in Roque, State of Guanajuato, México (Fall-Winter 2003-2004) with normal irrigation (five irrigations) and restricted irrigation (three irrigations). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks, and the means were compared with Tukey (p≤0.05). The viscoelastic properties of the dough were evaluated with the variables kneading time (min), mixographic type, alveogramW, alveogram-P/L and alveogram-P/G. The combinations 1−17+18−5+10, 2*−7+8−5+10 and 1−7+8−5+10 presented the best viscoelastic properties of the flour. In genome A, subunit 1 was characterized by inducing greater kneading time and mixographic type. In genome B, subunits 17+18 and 7+8 had a positive effect on the viscoelastic properties of the dough. In genome D, subunit 5+10 was associated with a positive effect on the viscoelastic properties, while subunit 2+12 was associated with a negative effect. When comparing the combinations, it was found that the effect of substituting 5+10 with 2+12 was very marked, given that where the allele 5+10 appeared, high values were found for alveogramW, alveogram-P/L and alveogram-P/G, which increased the strength and tenacity, whereas the extensibility of the dough was reduced. In contrast, when subunit 2+12 appeared, strength was reduced, but extensibility increased, perhaps due to a pleiotropic effect of the genes that control subunits 5+10 and 2+12.