Singh, A.K.

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Singh, A.K.

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  • Mapping of Ug99 stem rust resistance in Canadian durum wheat
    (Taylor and Francis, 2021) Kumar, S.; Fetch, T.; Knox, R.; Singh, A.K.; Clarke, J.M.; DePauw, R.M.; Cuthbert, R.; Campbell, H.L.; Singh, D.; Bhavani, S.; Pozniak, C.; Meyer, B.; Clarke, F.R.
  • New frontiers in agricultural extension - volume 1
    (CIMMYT, 2019) Singh, A.K.; Craufurd, P.; Mcdonald, A.; Singh, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Singh, Randhir; Singh, B.; Singh, S.; Kumar, V.; Malik, R.
    India’s self-sufficiency in food is widely regarded as its greatest achievement since Independence. The green revolution has played a great supporting role in increasing the income of rural households (HHs) where farms are too small and ecologies are too diverse. The topdown scaling out process was fundamental to the accelerated adoption of green revolution technologies in late 1960s and 70s. However, with the current development of an extensive network of KVKs, Indian agriculture has the opportunity to use diagnostic surveys and analytical tools for planning and implementing scaling-up and scalingout strategies in a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down process. In this book, data based evidence has been utilised for monitoring, evaluation and learning (ME&L) of adoption patterns of technologies. The objective is to achieve accelerated adoption of technologies in different ways, wherein extension also acts as part of priority setting (testing and evaluation at scale plus learning/feedback), and the sum of these components brings the specific technological intervention to focus. This publication on “New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension”, based on a landscape diagnostic survey of approximately 8,000 fields, is the first in series of three publications from the BMGF-funded KVK-CSISA network project being implemented by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The publication provides evidence on how different technologies are being accepted by farmers and how to improve the delivery system of technologies. The challenge has been to analyse how technologies were modified as they diffused and became more reliable and acceptable by a larger proportion of farmers. The Agricultural Extension Division (ICAR), through its Agricultural Technology Application and Research Institutes (ATARIs), hoped to create an end-to-end feedback mechanism for research and extension, as well as a digital transformation based convergence program, that will define the impact pathways of its KVK system and change the way research and extension systems operate. The innovations include: methods to design spatially representative surveys, digital survey data collection tools that enable rapid data uploading, a web-based portal hosted by ICAR to make data visible and accessible, and data analysis packages in open-source software for analysis. Data have enabled us to increase the reach of KVKs, and once properly analysed such data sets can help KVKs and their parent institutions to serve in a better way and a much larger population of farmers. The first volume of this document “New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension” incorporates the main outcomes of landscape diagnostic survey (LDS) of wheat across 29 districts of Bihar and nine districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh with 7,648 data points (wheat) and from Odisha with 400 data points (rice). The project has set a target to conduct the LDS in 110 districts across eight ATARIs with more than 40,000 data points. This volume contains the methodology involved in LDS, data from respondent farmers on the production practices of wheat and rice, and their relationship with existing recommendations. It also contains a priority setting exercise that can be shared with multi-disciplinary research teams in the research institutes including State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and with Department of Agriculture (DoA) in the concerned state. This publication will help in developing a vibrant and faster cycle of research and extension, by improving the linkage with DoAs for better seasonal planning and linking it with research institutions for setting research priorities and strengthening the monitoring, evaluation and learning (ME&L) in NARES.
  • Identification and mapping of leaf, stem and stripe rust resistance quantitative trait loci and their interactions in durum wheat
    (Springer Verlag, 2012) Singh, A.K.; Pandey, M.P.; Singh, A.K.; Knox, R.; Ammar, K.; Clarke, J.M.; Clarke, F.R.; Singh, R.P.; Pozniak, C.; DePauw, R.M.; McCallum, B.D.; Cuthbert, R.; Randhawa, H.S.; Fetch, T.
    Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks.), stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. tritici Eriks.) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) cause major production losses in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). The objective of this research was to identify and map leaf, stripe and stem rust resistance loci from the French cultivar Sachem and Canadian cultivar Strongfield. A doubled haploid population from Sachem/Strongfield and parents were phenotyped for seedling reaction to leaf rust races BBG/BN and BBG/BP and adult plant response was determined in three field rust nurseries near El Batan, Obregon and Toluca, Mexico. Stripe rust response was recorded in 2009 and 2011 nurseries near Toluca and near Njoro, Kenya in 2010. Response to stem rust was recorded in field nurseries near Njoro, Kenya, in 2010 and 2011. Sachem was resistant to leaf, stripe and stem rust. A major leaf rust quantitative trait locus (QTL) was identified on chromosome 7B at Xgwm146 in Sachem. In the same region on 7B, a stripe rust QTL was identified in Strongfield. Leaf and stripe rust QTL around DArT marker wPt3451 were identified on chromosome 1B. On chromosome 2B, a significant leaf rust QTL was detected conferred by Strongfield, and at the same QTL, a Yr gene derived from Sachem conferred resistance. Significant stem rust resistance QTL were detected on chromosome 4B. Consistent interactions among loci for resistance to each rust type across nurseries were detected, especially for leaf rust QTL on 7B. Sachem and Strongfield offer useful sources of rust resistance genes for durum rust breeding.