Winkelmann, D.L.

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Winkelmann, D.L.

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  • Accelerated wheat production in semi-arid developing regions
    (CIMMYT, 1980) Byerlee, D.; Winkelmann, D.L.
    This paper focuses on wheat production in the semi-arid regions (SARs) of selected developing countries. It is divided into three main parts. We begin by providing a perspective on what has happened in wheat production in the recent past, particularly in SARs and follow with evidence on projected demand increases and the potential for increasing wheat production in these areas. The second section then analyses economic considerations affecting farmers' choice among alternative technologies again with particular reference to the SARs. We conclude by drawing some implications for agricultural research policy.
  • Formulación de recomendaciones a partir de datos agronómicos: un manual metodológico de evaluación económica
    (CIMMYT, 1983) Perrin, R.K.; Winkelmann, D.L.; Moscardi, E.R.; Anderson, J.R.
    Se tiene la intención de que este manual sea utilizado por técnicos agrónomos en la formulación de recomendaciones para los agricultores a partir de datos agronómicos. No es difícil hacer recomendaciones que sean consistentes con las metas y las situaciones del agricultor, pero ciertamente es fácil hacer recomendaciones deficientes cuando se ignoran o se soslayan factores importantes para el productor. Algunos de estos factores pudieran no ser muy evidentes para el agrónomo. Si bien es algunas veces difícil obtener estimaciones precisas del efecto de algunos de estos factores sobre las preferencias del agricultor, el principio básico de este manual es que es mejor hacer alguna estimación de un efecto que diseñarlo totalmente. Este manual enumera esos factores y presenta una serie de procedimientos para analizarlos desde el punto de vista del productor.
  • Planning technologies appropriate to farmers: concepts and procedures
    (CIMMYT, 1988) Winkelmann, D.L.; Biggs, S.; Moscardi, E.R.; Martinez, J.C.; Harrington, L.W.; Benjamin, A.; Byerlee, D.; Collinson, M.P.
    We have prepared this Manual for professionals involved in research on improving agricultural technology for farmers. We believe that it will be useful to both biological scientists and social scientists and that parts of the Manual, especially Chapters 1, 2, 4, 11, and 12 will also be of interest to those who administer agricultural research programs. Agricultural research should have as one of its basic purposes the formulation of technologies which can be widely used by farmers. Our purpose in this manual is to present procedures which will facilitate that effort, particularly in the planning stage. Two themes are central to the Manual. The first is that effective research on agricultural technology starts and finishes with the farmer. The second is that integration of the perceptions of biological scientists and social scientists is an essential element in such research.
  • CIMMYT research: extending the gains
    (CIMMYT, 1986) Winkelmann, D.L.
    Many ideas have been discussed during the past two days. Before talking about their implications for CIMMYT, I want to review briefly some enduring aspects of our history and to comment on some of the changes that have occurred during the past twenty years. The two combine to make today's CIMMYT both the same and yet different from the CIMMYT of 1966. I will then go on to talk about how we see the near future, incorporating many of the ideas of the workshop. I add that in 1987 and in conjunction with an External Review, we will formulate a five year plan. It is in that effort that the discussions of the worksh~p will have their greatest influence.